Thursday, July 31, 2008
A 'blue sky' Olympics?? (Hollow laughter)
Supplement: After last night's (chemically engineered) torrential downpour, the air was - to some extent - 'washed clean': today was one of the best days we've had in quite a while. Unfortunately, the clammy humidity that inevitably follows a heavy rainfall in the summer meant that dust and smog were pretty soon building up again. And even in the early morning, when things were about as tickety-boo as they're ever likely to get here....... well, I don't believe for one moment that the API was down to the low 40s level that was being officially claimed all day long. When I went out after lunch, the air was starting to get pretty caustic again. In addition to being a "No Fun" Olympics and a "Mafan" Olympics, this is, of course, going to be a "Lying Their Arses Off" Olympics.
The Olympics loom....
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
It's that girl again
Let's talk about Security (3)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Let's talk about Security (2)
Let's talk about Security (1)
1) Nothing is ever 100% secure.
This week's bon mot
Diane Ackerman
Sunday, July 27, 2008
"Out of my league...."
Love Without Hope
Love without hope, as when the young birdcatcher
Swept off his tall hat to the squire's own daughter,
So let the imprisoned larks escape and fly
Singing about her head as she rode by.
Robert Graves (1895-1985)
I HATE Gmail!!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Something else 'they' can try to ban me for

My buddy (and, currently, only regular commenter), The British Cowboy, initially missed the joke, bless him.
My favourite music bar, 2 Kolegas, has started stocking 'Tibet' beer.
This week's haiku
The teeming brain, troubled heart:
Insomniac nights.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
That girl is really starting to annoy me....
Today's studio humdinger
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
A question of taste
Monday, July 21, 2008
Are we feeling "Olympic" enough yet??
The Rise of the Machines
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A new 'game' for everyone
I know, such things are easily overlooked amid the morass of other stuff I've posted, so I thought I would highlight it again.
My friend The British Cowboy refers me to a website called KissThisGuy, which specialises in recording amusingly misheard lyrics. So..... you can go there to find some inspiration, if you like; but really, I'd far rather you shared your own experiences with me.
However, I thought this might help to get your ideas kick-started - a brilliant analysis of the lyrics to Christina Aguilera's "Ain't No Other Man" (thanks to my blog-buddy 'Tolstoy' for finding this gem!), created by Annie Varner.
Don't feel you have to top this. But do please share your own favourite Misheard Lyrics with me here.
What the Chinese complain about

Still, it's nice to know that they're really not just having a go at us foreigners the whole time. As I observed in one of my weekly bon mots some time ago: "We'd be a lot less worried what other people think about us if we realised how seldom they did."
All the 1's

Why not?! Does there always have to be a reason?
Well, OK, this image of the lunar surface is filed as Frame 1111 in the Lunar Orbiter Photo Gallery of the Lunar and Planetary Institute (a division of the Universities Space Research Association).
So, perhaps there is always a reason........
Friday, July 18, 2008
What will they think of next?

The weekly haiku
No reason to go outside:
Prisoner of the rain.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Today's great 'Chinglish' mispronunciation moment
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Teachers wanted for Nanjing, China
Wishful thinking
Pre-Olympic progress in the fight against Chinglish
Monday, July 14, 2008
It shouldn't happen to a Daily Llama....
Sunday, July 13, 2008
A Classical Sunday
Quaeris, quot mihi basiationes
tuae, Lesbia, sint satis superque.
quam magnus numerus Libyssae harenae
lasarpiciferis iacet Cyrenis
oraclum Iovis inter aestuosi
et Batti veteris sacrum sepulcrum;
aut, quam sidera multa, cum tacet nox,
furtivos hominum vident amores;
tam te basia multa basiare
vesano satis et super Catullo est,
quae nec pernumerare curiosi
possint nec mala fascinare lingua.
Gaius Valerius Catullus (ca. 84-54 BCE)
You ask me how many times
Will be enough to sate or surfeit me?
As many as the grains of sand
On the North African shore,
Or as many as the stars
That look down on the furtive trysts
Of lovers in the silence of the night.
Only so many
Can sate or surfeit your crazed Catullus:
A number so great
That no snoops can count it,
And no ill-wishing gossip
Can jinx us by repeating it.
Old school!
The cab driver was chomping (on some kind of nut, I think) - open-mouthed, hugely NOISILY (I didn't dare to look, but it sounded as if slobber would be cascading over the chin).
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Another musical treat
I've posted the link to this before, but some of you are just too lazy to follow links. So, here's the video embedded. Bowie's Life on Mars. Awesome.
My Fantasy Girlfriend - Daniela Hantuchova

Friday, July 11, 2008
The long arm of coincidence??
More snack innovation
Weekly haiku
Clothes are always soaking wet
Either rain or sweat
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Chinese publishers annoy me yet AGAIN......
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
My favourite book - The Wind In The Willows
And yes, I'm still waiting for my t-shirt, MR.