I picked this up from the Wicked Thoughts blog back in April (go search the archives; unfortunately it doesn't seem to have links to individual posts) - another favourite time-waster, of late. Indeed, I suppose I should make it a 'Website of the Month' recommendation; but be warned: it is very profuse, and very addictive.
I remember hearing about this a few years back. It freaks me out a little, although I imagine it would make cutting much easier. Just doesn't look natural though.
I wonder if they are seedless. Seems they only sell seedless watermelons in the grocery stores around here.
Ah, there you are, OMG. We haven't heard from you in a while.
No pips?! Well, that spoils half the fun, doesn't it? I always wished I could master that trick of spitting them out in a rapid-fire stream, like a machine-gun, the way they did in those old Warner Bros cartoons.
Water melons are ubiquitous here in China, and ridiculously cheap: only 30 cents or so each. And they have pips.
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