Friday, August 31, 2007
Another of those "What have I missed?" street scenes
The Foreskin Post
Although I think that Moonrat was genuinely interested in the story, rather than cynically trying to boost her blog profile in the way that Leah recommends.
Well, I wonder if anything will come of it. Perverts, are you there??
The Kebab Boy would be proud of me!
A regional China haiku
And lashings of chilli oil:
Szechuan cookery.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Chengdu deathrace blues
The "Weather God" comes unstuck again
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Barstool is calling you...
Flatbread and mutton skewers
Have you noticed how....
Monday, August 27, 2007
In Memoriam - my lost phones
Bon mot of the week
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Poetry Corner
Tamer and Hawk
I thought I was so tough
But gentled at your hand
Cannot be quick enough
To fly for you and show
That when I go I go
At your commands
Even in flight above
I am no longer free:
You seeled me with your love,
I am blind to other birds -
The habit of your words
Has hooded me.
As formerly, I wheel
And hover and twist,
But only want the feel,
In my possessive thought,
Of catcher and of caught
Upon your wrist.
You but half-civilize,
Taming me in this way.
Through having only eyes
For you I fear to lose,
I lose to keep, and choose
Tamer as prey.
Thom Gunn (1929-2004)
Egomania implodes
I just turned up this great little scene from Spike Jonze's wonderful 'Beijing John Malkovich'. (In case, by some strange chance, you haven't yet seen this modern classic - Tulsa?? - the premise is this: downtrodden filing clerk John Cusack happens upon a magical 'portal' that allows a person to be transported inside the head of the famous actor John Malkovich [Malkovich, a good sport, agreed to play himself], to experience the world from his perspective - but only for 20 minutes at a time. Cusack tries to make money off his discovery by setting up a little tour business. Malkovich gets wind of this, and goes to check it out, posing as a client. This is what happens when Malkovich goes inside his own head - hilarious and terrifying at the same time.)
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Seeker after Truth: "What does it all mean, Mr Natural?"
Mr Natural: "Don't mean sheeit..."
Messing with the classics
Waving their arms about....
Friday, August 24, 2007
Blue sky paranoia
Haiku time
And bad dreams haunt the fever.
August sleeplessness.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
What I don't like about my office
2) The colleague at the next desk has THE WORLD'S NOISIEST KEYBOARD. Really. It has an action like an old-fashioned manual typewriter. And she does a lot of typing.
3) Neon strip lights.
4) Despite repeated promises, there is still no coffee machine.
5) Neon strip lights.
6) There is no functional air-conditioning in the lifts - so, even if I survive the 10-minute walk from the Subway without working up too much of a lather, the 60-second ride up to the 12th Floor usually has me breaking out in a muck-sweat.
7) Neon strip lights.
8) There are no decent food shops in the building. Searching for a decent, affordable lunch in the vicinity is becoming quite the Grail Quest.
9) Neon strip lights.
10) I am obliged to stay here until 6pm, even though I have no work to do.
Dawn of a new era???
* Artful remodelling of personal histories and indefinite prolongation of youthful frivolity are our specialities. Preliminary consultation free of charge.
Erratum: Talk about wishful thinking! That should, of course, have been "This means I am now 35 again!"
I may have to ask the Committee to reconvene to consider adopting the more flattering 5-to-1 equivalency for 'Beijing years', rather than the 7-to-1 ratio traditionally used for dogs.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Woe! Woe! Thrice and four times woe!
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Expat Ladder
The Ladder
A MILESTONE looms....
Thought for the week
Albert Szent-Gyƶrgyi de NagyrƔpolt (1893-1986)
Update: Thanks to the omnipresent Tulsa, I have learned that this quotation is from a distinguished Hungarian physiologist, Nobel Laureate in 1937.
In similar vein, he also once said:
"A discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind."
I'd be curious to know what language he originally said these things in. The quotation websites all seem to be unforthcoming on this point.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Invented words
Limelessness – the quality of being
Without limes.
A fine word: green and shimmering;
Musical, like the rustle
Of high tree branches.
Yet not a word at all, in fact;
Rather, a mental phantom,
A cognitive stumble
In reading 'Lime Essence'
On a jar of body-scrub
In your bathroom.
I miss these moments,
Scouring your apartment
For details of your history,
Your inner life;
Poring over books, CDs,
Ornaments, cosmetics,
To feel how they resonate of you.
I should go
And buy a dozen limes.
Their zest and fragrance may
Console me,
Give me some strength
To survive my long voyage
Across this bitter sea of You-lessness.
The acronyms strike again!
Emendation: OK, so the China Law Blog dude came all the way over here to tell me that actually IRMA is an international organisation, not just a Chinese one. That's lawyers for you - vigilant, meticulous, nit-picky. That's why I gave it up. It's still a pretty funny acronym, though, huh? (I just can't get the image of Shirley MacLaine in green stockings out of my head!)
Further Emendation: The point I should emphasise here (becoming overcome with lawyerly guilt about my previous sloppiness!) is that it was not IRMA that was recently busted for price-fixing, but certain Chinese members of IRMA. As far as I know, after further researches, IRMA is an entirely respectable and worthy trade organisation which does not condone or facilitate price-fixing. There.
Further note: The problem with IRMA as an acronym is not only its inherent risibility (and, for some of us, a provoking erotic reminiscence of Billy Wilder's very silly but very sexy comedy 'Irma La Douce', in which a young and gorgeous Shirley MacLaine played a Parisian hooker of that name), but that it is so overused. There are dozens of IRMAs out there (and thus, dozens of organizations that might want to sue me for libel!), and the poor old Ramen Manufacturers are well down the list; the Irish Recorded Music Association has far better Google positioning. Of course, anything with 'International' and 'Association' in its title has a good headstart in trying to achieve that particular combination of letters for its acronym, but the first page of Google results also includes such exotica as L'Institut de Recherche MathƩmatique AvancƩe and Interreg Rhine-Meuse Activities. And the Australian Institute of Myotherapists (bit of a cheat - 'A' in the wrong place, and where's the 'R'?? Well, it's actually the Insitute of Registered Myotherapists of Australia.).
Friday, August 17, 2007
The 'man immune to jet lag' get his comeuppance
The 'Weather God' gets his comeuppance
Back-in-the-old-routine haiku
Of obstinate sleep cycles;
A timezone prisoner.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Is there anybody OUT THERE?
Monday, August 13, 2007
Return of the weekly bon mot
Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986)