Thursday, January 03, 2008

Why do we blog?

I think I posed this question once or twice before, back in the very early days - but didn't come up with any answers that were entirely satisfactory. I rather fear boredom, procrastination, and narcissism are the three major motivators of blogging, which is why I am still somewhat sceptical of the whole phenomenon. I hope that's not what it is with me, but I do run a mental doublecheck every once in a while.

The inspiringly idealistic Moonrat has opened the year over on her blog with an impassioned call to her fellow writers to try to be more self-conscious about having an agenda in all their writing (even in the humble arena of a blog) - not in the narrowly political sense, but rather a more holistic sharing of values and beliefs.

Am I managing that here on my blogs?? Well, yes, I hope that I am - most of the time, anyway. While I will occasionally touch on overtly political issues (e.g., the conditions of menial workers, the degradation of the environment, and the woeful state of education here in China), most of the blogs' content is more personal, and yes, I suppose, more frivolous. But whatever the topic, I am at all times writing about things that seem important to me, and trying to write about them with insight, humour, self-awareness, and honesty. If I had to come up with a single, snappy 'mission statement' (the kind of thing I hate) for my blog-writing, I think it would be that I am seeking to celebrate all that is best in life - love, friendship, humanity, compassion, humour, creativity, joie de vivre....

Is that enough? Well, it's better than nothing, I think. It's a start.....


moonrat said...

most excellent.

although i have to cough up... boredom, procrastionation, and marcissism might have inspired a post or two in the past...

The British Cowboy said...

Why do we blog?

To get drunk!

Oooops... gotta work on reading for comprehension.

Froog said...

Actually, Cowboy, the converse might be one of my possible reasons for blogging.

I very seldom (not never, but seldom) sit at the keyboard with a glass or a can..... although that's probably more to do with fear of spillages than any scruple against drunken blogging per se.

Then again, I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee right now, so maybe spillage-anxiety isn't that much of a factor, after all....

The British Cowboy said...

It's at least the third time I have alluded to Hank Williams Jr. "Family Tradition" on your blogs, Froog...

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I think I tend to blog about the things that aren't that important to me. Not sure what that says about me and my blogging.

Leave me alone, I'm bloggin' all night looong.

Froog said...

Yes, yes, Cowboy - I get the reference.