Thursday, January 03, 2008

Traffic Report - blog stats for December '07

A bumper month on the blogs last month (yes, yet another one) - but particularly so on the Barstool, which for once managed to outperform its sibling in number of posts.

On Froogville in December there were 60 posts and nearly 20,000 words.

On Round-The-World Barstool Blues there were 61 posts and over 17,000 words.

Damning figures! Yes, I had too much time on my hands - it was a holiday month, and I lost my job half-way through it.

It is at the heart of my New Year's Resolutions this year that I will try to find more worthwhile things to do with my free time....

There hasn't been much increase in the amount of traffic recorded on my hit-counters over the course of the year; but if you're accessing Blogspot via a proxy like Anonymouse, I don't think those visits show up. And I've also been told by a few people recently that they subscribe via a 'feed' (Really?? I'm a bit sceptical about that!) - which again doesn't get recorded on the counters. Maybe we have more 'lurkers' than I'd thought.

I am very grateful to the small but dedicated clan who have become regular-ish commenters over this past year. Tulsa, of course, still leads the way; but the British Cowboy is giving her a run for her money, particularly on the Barstool; and the determinedly mysterious FG has made quite a few contributions in recent months as well; and then, of course, we have my new blog-pals, Leah, Moonrat, HiK, and OMG; and the more infrequent but still very welcome contributions from my various gal pals around the world - Earthling, Georg, Caren, Trish, WeasleyBurrow, Mariposa, Glasgow Ali and Lizzie (the latter two still usually masquerading as 'anonymous', purely because they're too indolent to write in their chosen nickname!); and finally, there have been occasional visitations from others of my cronies of long ago (Oxford days, that is) - Mr A, Snopes, Little Anthony, the Swordsman, the Harvster, and (only the once so far, but I will browbeat him into returning) The Bookseller.

Here's hoping for a few (no, a lot) more new readers in 2008 - and plenty of lively commenting too.

Cheers, Froog


homeinkabul said...

thanks for the shout-out and wooohooo for lively commenting.

i am jealous. i would like the nickname, glasgow ali.

or glasgow anything. Home in Glasgow?

Froog said...

Yes, Glasgow.

I think Kabul is pretty cool too.