Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Don't shoot the pianist

He's been having a stressy week.

Gor blimey - I miss one day of posting, and I'm immediately getting 'abuse' from my new compulsive commenter, The Earthling.

Forgive me, my impatient readers. I will from time to time miss a day, or even two or three. It's not the end of the world.

And it's not as if you don't have stuff on here to keep you busy. I did post a lot at the end of last week. There are two lively comment threads currently running, here on Froogville and here on the Barstool, as well as the ongoing 'bad joke' collection point over there. And I've recently posted a 'top picks' guide to my early archive for both blogs, here and here. That's lots for you to be reading and commenting on if I should happen to go 'silent' for a little while.

I did actually have a couple of posts I was starting to write yesterday morning, but I had to abandon them unposted because I was in danger of running late for my morning's work. I quit the apartment in a blur at about 7.30 am for my nightmarish commute down to the CBD on the Subway. Two-and-a-half hours of 'teaching' at a law firm. Then a brief discussion with their accountant about the important issue of getting paid. Then calling in a few favours from one of the students to get free photocopies of the umpteen documents I need to support my visa renewal application (I'm not actually getting a new visa at this point, just a duplicate of my existing one for my new passport). Then a mad dash across town to the PSB Passport & Visa Office - OK, arriving there at 11.30-something was a bad idea because that's when all the foreigners have a window to go there.... but three-quarters of the staff are already on their lunch break: queues out of the door. Had to give up on that. At least had the opportunity to nip home again for a 15-minute 'splash'n'dash' - a change of shirt and a lunchtime sandwich, and picking up the crucial tax receipt for the law firm's accountant that I had forgotten to take with me that morning. Then had to hop in a cab up to the University district for another arduous spell behind the microphone. Then another long cab ride back downtown to deliver the tax receipt to the accountant.

Phew. At least, by 4.30 pm I was free - to enjoy a restorative walk in the hot sunshine. But I had by then been frantically 'on the go' for 9 hours with scarcely a break, so I think I deserved it. And it just so happened that my best pal Tony "The Chairman" was making a rare trip into town yesterday (he's living in a distant northern suburb this year, so I'm not getting to see that much of him), so I wasn't going to get home for another 6 or 7 hours yet. No, I hooked up with His Chairmanliness for pool, drinks, dinner, and a nostalgic return to the pub quiz we occasionally used to do in our early days here (we were only a few points off the top spot, despite having a team of only two). I did get home again relatively early last night (11 pm or so), but was so utterly exhausted that I fell into bed almost at once.

That's why there was no posting yesterday. But actually, almost every day is like that for me - and most days you still get a few posts out of me.

So, don't complain too much.



UPS, I should start reading from the top next time. I've just written a comment about not getting credit for my jitters, and what do I read here?

Sorry, I won't sulk much then.

ding dong tulsa, points points.


I'm sorry. I just have lost touch with the busy life-style of real people. I will not begin to describe my days, it might be too painful for everyone. But it is REALLY not by choice and it will not last for ever, however, at this moment in time, I am only as busy as I make myself. Sorry.


Thanks for the advice about the comment feed, but it's not easier than the other obtion.


Sorry, it actually is, now that I've figured out how it works. God I could have saved myself so many visits to yours and tulsa's blog. God bless the FEED. It's very new to me, cos I couldn't really work it out before, now I'm getting the hang of it.