Friday, December 02, 2011

Haiku for the week

Sugar-frosted fences
The sky a woollen blanket
First snow of the year

Gosh, yes, it's come very early in the season this time. But it's been a rather unsatisfying, invisible snow. It started in the early hours of this morning, and looks sets to continue for much of the day, but it's so thin and wet that you can scarcely see it falling. A little, though, is settling, building up over time. 

There won't be any snowmen on my new terrace today, but I think I'm going to be able to make one at some point over this winter. I have a hunch this is going to be a cold one, and - occasionally - a snowy one.

1 comment:

Froog said...

I was wrong. One of the mildest ever - although the wind was a bit nasty at times.

But it was tough to maintain the ice on the lakes this year; the temperature rose a little above freezing almost every day.