Thursday, May 05, 2011

Another cinematic coincidence

I've been having a quiet week, attempting to save money after a rather wild month in April - staying in with my DVD collection most nights. On a whim, I started revisiting some of the classics I remember from my undergraduate days, but have perhaps not seen since - or not for a very long time, anyway. And so it was that I came to watch on consecutive nights.... Paul Schrader's American Gigolo and Brian De Palma's Scarface.

Fine films, both - though perhaps not quite as good as I'd thought, starting to show their age a little. However, the overwhelming question that formed in my brain after this was......  Oh my god, did every early-80s thriller have a Giorgio Moroder score??

No, just those two. And I'd completely forgotten the fact - if I'd ever been consciously aware of it. Perhaps it was a self-protective amnesia. The man could knock out infectious pop songs, right enough, but he couldn't sustain the creativity for a whole movie. If you absolutely must have a synthesiser score, I'd take John Carpenter over Moroder any day.

I start to wonder if I am not somehow subconsciously inflicting these 'coincidences' on myself.

Then again, Hollywood is such an incestuous little world, perhaps such 'coincidences' are in fact incredibly common, and even someone as quirkily observant as me simply fails to notice them most of the time.

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