Friday, January 22, 2010

Haiku for the week

Time for something new?
Leaving begins in the heart,
And may end there too.

I have never been quite so dissatisfied with my life in Beijing, but I still have no likely escape route...


JES said...

Escape route: seems like it would be only fair for some international radio network to offer you a spot as the China ex-pat correspondent.

Wonder what the Kafkas would do with that?

Froog said...

Yes, I have a good face for radio.

Unfortunately, I think radio pays even less well than the newspapers.

There is a chance I might wind up on the local radio soon. One of my friends has landed her own show, and is threatening to invite me on as a guest.

JES said...

Oh my. You must get a digital copy of that program: your first podcast!

moonrat said...

oh my gosh. boy do i know what you mean.