Monday, November 09, 2009

These are not the pay scales you're looking for

I am still struggling to get any straight answers out of the dipshit employers who so incensed me 5 or 6 weeks back by oh, so casually underpaying me by about 30%.
One of the things that has been bugging me about them is they have been telling me for about a year now that a new pay scale was either due imminently or had just been introduced.  But they never actually notified me what this pay scale was.  And when I asked them to confirm what pay scales were in force, and to send me the up-to-date numbers, they ignored me.  Repeatedly.  Over the last several months.
When I got into a big dispute over my pay with them, I demanded some information about the pay scales rather more urgently - as you might expect.
And they finally sent me some new information.  Well, slightly different to that which I'd been given when I first started working for them nearly three years ago, anyway.  Unfortunately, they still didn't explain what exactly these figures represented, or when they had come into force.
Now, these figures - though slightly less (in one particular instance, significantly less) than the amounts I thought I had been due under my original agreement with them - did at least tally with the payment rates being used on the disputed payslip (it wasn't the rates themselves I had the main problem with; it was the fact that they had arbitrarily decided to reduce the number of payable hours on my claim form). 
However, this "new" set of figures did also include a provision that presenters working for this company are supposed to be paid an additional "2 hours" whenever they deliver a seminar for the first time (an allowance for the additional preparation time needed, I suppose - eminently reasonable).  Only one of the events I'd done for them in the meltdown month had been entirely new material.  But still, an extra 2 hours' pay would console me somewhat for the 1.5 hours they had unjustly docked.  But, of course, they didn't pay me this extra allowance either.  And I am naturally curious as to when this provision was introduced, since, over the previous year or so, I've done 8 or 10 other seminars for them - which might all have been eligible for this extra allowance.
But, of course, I've never been paid this amount for any of the new seminars I've delivered.  And I don't suppose I ever will be.  Probably the other presenters who work there aren't getting this pay either.
I'd like to think that someone on the Chinese staff there is pocketing all this extra cash for themselves.  Really.  I find straightforward criminality far preferable to dumb stupidity and incompetence.  But I rather fear it's just the latter.
And do you know what's really bugging me now?  It's not the money.  Even 20 hours of pay witheld (at the miserly rates this outfit offers) is hardly a major sum.
No, it's the continued dithering.  The evasiveness.  The lying.
My contact there is now trying to tell me that this pay scale is not the current one, but an old one. (Not true.  At least, it is plainly different from the only "old" one I was ever familar with.  And it does appear to accord in every detail - but one! - with the amounts I was actually getting paid in recent months.)  I reiterate my exasperated questions: Why was I told this was the current pay scale?  What, in fact, is the current pay scale?  When did the changeover happen?
Of course, they don't provide the answers.  But I do get a doozy of an extra-special super-duper new lie on top of all the other bullshit they've already given me.  Now, they're telling me that the pay scale they've shown me does not apply to me, because actually they loved me so much that they put me on a 'premium' pay scale all of my own.  So, I was actually getting more than these published rates - and I should be grateful.
Er, NO, I wasn't getting paid at a higher rate.  And if there were two pay scales, I'd like to see them both, thank you.
And I'd like that information right away.  I have been asking for it rather urgently for four weeks now.
WHY?  Why are they behaving like this??  Do they think it's FUNNY??!!
Well, they're not going to be laughing for much longer.  They have messed with the wrong guy.

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