Saturday, October 17, 2009

What's that word again?

After a long silence, my contact at the film company sent me a text message.... asking if it was convenient to chat with me on the phone immediately?
Hmmm.  It's 10.30pm.  On a Friday night.


JES said...

I am SO far behind in commenting here. (Somebody's been keeping me too busy commenting at my own blog to attend to others'.) Which probably means that I shouldn't even be thinking of adding Barstool Blues to my Google Reader inbox.

Maybe thanks to all of the above, I do have a two-word phrase which springs to mind: NOT YET.

(To clarify: I've been READING right along, thanks to that little Google-y widget that lets you look at blog posts without actually visiting the subscribed blogs.)

Froog said...

But, my, you've been catching up. Thank you.

Sorry you seem to be the sole commenter at the moment. I seem to have bored everyone else into silence.

JES said...

It always amazes me to visit the blogs of good writers -- or, if you won't accept that label, let's just say interesting ones -- and find NO comments.

I know, I know. So many blogs (the number always rising) competing for so few readers (the number holding steady). But still...

You probably know the common SF storyline which centers around the fact that TV shows have been beamed into out space for decades, eventually attracting the attention of a (usually appalled) alien race. I have a fantasy that the same sort of thing is happening with the Internet, especially blogs, because although it means I have a potential audience in the millions and billions, it will still take a couple thousand years for them to read it. By which time they'll still have to figure out how to crack a reCaptcha code to leave a comment. Only to realize, bitterly, I'll never respond. Talk about a Mayan cycle of birth and death and rebirth.

The Nag said...

I think that given the timing an appropriate response would have been something like "Fat chance" of "What do you reckon, idiot?"