Sunday, October 18, 2009

DVD piracy karma

I have mentioned on here before the remarkable number of (often amusing) faults one finds in pirated DVDs purchased here in China; but they do seem to have been getting fewer and fewer in recent years. Gibberish sub-titles continue to be de rigueur, of course; and if you seek out award nominees, you're bound to suffer the occasional film sourced from a complimentary voter's copy - with those irritating "not for general release"-type banners across the bottom of the screen.
But that's about all.  I haven't suffered a really badly screwed up DVD for quite a long time now.  So, I suppose I was due.
A few nights ago I settled down to enjoy the excellent Brian Cox in the well-reviewed jailbreak thriller The Escapist..... and found that the dialogue was all in German.  (Finding films recorded only in Russian - or occasionally Korean - is relatively common, since these are our near neighbours, and, presumably a major source of, or a major market for, the pirated DVDs.  But German is quite a novelty.)
For a while I tried to persuade myself that the tiny smattering of German I still remember was going to be enough to see me through.  In truth, though, I was probably just unconsciously lip-reading the actors (since the film was, of course, entirely in English originally).  In the early scenes, there wasn't that much dialogue anyway (and the dialogue in prison movies is mostly pretty predictable).  But after 10 minutes or so, I was forced to give up.
Most frustrating.
My friend The British Cowboy would no doubt say that it is no more than I deserve.

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