Friday, August 01, 2008

A double dose of Daily Llamas

Because we haven't had any for a while......

This goofy little guy is actually a llama-guanaco hybrid. There is some fancy name for that, but I forget what it is. Llamaco, perhaps? Or guanalla? Depending on who the father is.......

Should it be allowed????

(This, apparently, is a genuine Peruvian road sign.)


moonrat said...

it's nice to know that some parts of the world aren't totally obsessed with cosmetic dental work.

so that guy on top--what's his ridiculous chinese name? i like him for "humpy."

argonox said...

Heh. The road sign also works nicely in Chinese, because "xing" means "okay." Thumbs up, llamas!

Froog said...

I hadn't thought of that, L.

I wonder what the Chinese for llama is? Given their record with mouse/rat/gerbil, etc., I'm somewhat sceptical as to whether the language is able to differentiate clearly between a camel and a Tibetan antelope and a.....