Friday, May 02, 2008

A bad air haiku

Phantom buildings blur
The sun is a veiled stranger
All the sky is dust

Come August, I have no doubt, the skies here will be dazzlingly clear and blue.

But for the next three months the last-minute Olympic preparations are just going crazy: everything is being dug up, knocked down, re-paved, replanted...... Half a million workmen are throwing shovelfuls of sand into the air day and night. And the atmosphere here is just unbreathable. I get sick every time I set foot outside. I don't think I can stand it much longer.


Anonymous said...

I haven't had my nostrils caked with a layer of *black*, yes *black*, gunk since i was visiting some very very industrial cities as a child.

i think i'm going to be sick.

Anonymous said...

You've obviously never been on the London Underground.