Saturday, May 03, 2008

Time for the "Daily" Llama

It's been some while since we had one. A little beginning-of-the-month treat for Moonrat.


moonrat said...

thank you!

re: your t-shirt. it's hard to get my act together. would you take liquor or a book or a combination of the two instead?

Froog said...

Well, I could be tempted - but I wouldn't want to appear easy, now, would I? And I think there are lots of other people champing at the bit to get a 'Robert the Publisher' t-shirt, so I shouldn't let them down. As the only person (as far as I know) who has been promised one, I am rather the champion of their cause.

What do we want? "Robert the Publisher's Gem of the Day" T-shirts! When do we want them? NOW!!

Anonymous said...

Hasn't that Llama been spray-painted?