This, you see, is Post No. 888 here on Froogville - and, according to the superstitions of Chinese numerology, the number 8 is equated with sudden good fortune (or longer term prosperity) and is the luckiest number of the lot. And three 8s together is just superlatively, ecstatically, incalculably lucky.
Some of that good luck could rub off on you just through reading this post. Do you feel it??
Casting around for some interesting '888' reference that I could use to justify this post (rather than have it just be a mileometer reading), I was reminded that in the Philip K. Dick book Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? (the inspiration, of course, for the classic sci-fi film Blade Runner - although that was a very loose adaptation, which omitted many key elements of the book..... including this one), there was a machine called the Penfield Mood Organ, which people used to manage their emotions. Setting '888' on the Organ was defined as: "The desire to watch TV, no matter what's on."
Don't complain that you never learn anything from this blog.
Hmm, i think it's not that i never learn anything from this blog, so much as it is that I've no where but this blog to use the little nuggets of knowledge attained.
Happy BaBaBa.... now that just sounds goaty.... are you getting a Chuanr-urge?
I never learn anything from this blog. It's a concious decision that keeps me just on the right side of the sane-insane divide.
But which is the right side?
I'm definitely planning to use the 888 television watching mode reference in the future. Nice justification.
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