Thursday, November 08, 2007

Dangerous freedom

It is 9.30am, and I am still the only person in the office.

My quasi-boss is on "study leave". The administrative co-ordinator who sits next to me is off sick (but I think she's given me whatever-it-is-that-ails-her first). The receptionist doesn't get in till 10. And everybody else is at a big seminar in Shanghai. (Boo! Feeling left out again....)

This is an intoxicating, insidious temptation..... if ever there were a time to fashion an enormous, obscene sculpture out of paper-clips, this would be it!

Except that I do actually have a hell of a lot of work to do.....

My mantra for the day: I must not procrastinate like Moonrat, I must not procrastinate like Moonrat, I must not procrastinate like Moonrat....


Anonymous said...

I say do the paper clips! Although I expect the window of opportunity closed and someone walked in just as you began to fashion the foundations. Such is life.

It is very good you have something to do. Making work has always drained me to the core and yet in the past I have seen so many around me make 'making work' their career. sigh!

Froog said...

You're quite right, FG. The admin girl walked in just as I was about to get started. Turns out her cold is a little better; she was just running late.

Lucky escape for all concerned!

Froog said...

Tulsa just asked how the "tower of clips" was coming on.

I replied, "I think it needs some Viagra."

moonrat said...

thanks for the "plug." btw allow me to point out that if *i* didn't procrastinate by writing there would be nothing for YOU to read when YOU'RE procrastinating.

moonrat said...

thanks especially for THREE DIFFERENT LINKS. you show me my own true nature. nyuk nyuk.

Froog said...

And that was just the last couple of days.

You need therapy, Moonie.