Sunday, May 06, 2007

Funky dancing

I turned this up on the website of a little outfit called Red T (well, maybe not so little any more - I thought they were a small laowai promotions company dealing mainly with art events, but it seems they are branching out into music too: they laid on a great open-air party called 'Gloaming' in Beijing's Ritan Park last week).

It's a video by a Norwegian pop duo called Kings of Convenience. Great name! Not such a great song, to be honest: shallow, instantly forgettable pop, with vocals that are so thin as to be almost inaudible. It is, however, a very cute video. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Quite charming!

I remember you always did have a fascination with ballerinas. What was that story about John Malkovich and the corps of the Royal Ballet?

Froog said...

Ah, Snopes, you old rogue, how you love to tease me!

Did I really tell you that Malkovich story? I suppose I must have done. It was some time after our year together.

Perhaps I'll 'blog' it one day.

Anonymous said...

That was a spoon full of sugar...

Also add to your blogging list: the story of Snopes... Who are you Snopes? and how do you know Froog so well?

Froog said...

Ah, one day, perhaps, the whole strange history of Snopes and me can be told.