Friday, March 23, 2007

A romantic haiku

Probably my most romantic ever, in fact. On my first proper date with The Poet (nearly 18 months ago, but still vividly intense in my memory) we ended up staying up all night talking (as we did on many subsequent occasions also). This induced a kind of emotional 'jet-lag' in me, and I found that the following evening, although completely wrecked, I suddenly became hyper-alert again, disinclined to go to bed, my brain - crowded with thoughts of her - refusing to switch off.

So, I sent her this by text message:

You keep me awake
Even when I'm not with you
Thinking of your kiss


Anonymous said...

the romantic haiku - what can I say other than that is spoon full of sugar sweet.

Froog said...

Oh, that doesn't sound 'good'!

Sweetness is so easily overdone; sweetness - with nothing else - is insipid, sickly; sweetness and sugar often correspond to trite and shallow.

I think you were saying you liked it.... but I'm not sure!

Do you have a very sweet tooth??

I generally think that the supposed power of poetry to woo women is grossly overrated - but on this ONE occasion, I think it might have worked!