Saturday, March 31, 2007

Pyjamas in the daytime (Where in the world am I? [43])

I am supposed to be heading out to a friend's house party in a little while.

It is to be a Pyjama Party.

This is quite a popular theme for foreigners' parties in this country. I threw one myself a couple of years ago. [If you're really nice to me, I might one day soon publish the link to my Yahoo Photos page, so that you can see what it was like.]

The reason for the popularity of the pyjama theme here is that one of the charming and distinctive quirks of the local populace is their penchant for wearing pyjamas in public. Yep, in the street, in the middle of the day, without an ounce of shame. It is considered quite natty outdoor attire throughout the summer months. Since the summers can be brutally hot, I suppose it makes a certain amount of sense. It does look funny though.

[The title here is, of course, another line from the Crash Test Dummies.]

1 comment:

Froog said...

There's also a stark dichotomy in sartorial choices for the men around here in the summer. You're either a Pyjama Boy or a Shirtless Boy.

I always worry that this divergence of tastes will lead to gang wars. Tunes from West Side Story wander through my head whenever I see a gaggle of shirtless men glancing disdainfully at some pyjama-wearers on the other side of the street.