Thursday, July 14, 2011

All done with the touch of a bottom

I've spent most of the last 48 hours picking my way through a raft of turgid legal memos, to try to find useful illustrative examples I can use in a writing class (owing to certain scheduling hiccups, we find ourselves trying to cover the last three sessions - of six - in just eight days; and owing to my having been wretchedly ill for the whole of last week, I find myself severely behindhand in the preparation).

The tedious hours of keyboard work are rendered tolerable, though, by the occasional nugget of unintentional humour in my source material.

I was just reading through an overview of the law of contract as it applies to online transactions, and was gratified to learn that the client's website enabled customers to confirm a purchase by just pressing on a special bottom on the screen.

Now, that's what I call "user-friendly"!

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