Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Traffic Report - the blog stats for May

The frisson of mild controversy attending the annual 'bar awards' season in Beijing, and the rather keener excitement of long-time commenter Gary claiming the distinction of becoming my 50,000th visitor (well, 50,012th!) over there meant that The Barstool enjoyed a slightly busier month than Froogville this May. However, in general, I am continuing to achieve a modest success in achieving my self-imposed target for a reduction in my logorrhoeic output.

There were 36 posts and around 9,000 words on Froogville last month.

There were 33 posts and nearly 11,500 words on Barstool Blues.

Statcounter shows recent visitors to Froogville from Georgia (the country, not the American State), Brazil, Singapore, and the Czech Republic, and to The Barstool from Greece, New Zealand, and Jamaica. It is exhilarating - and a little daunting - to reflect that my online witterings may have such a broad reach!!

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