Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Fantasy Girlfriend - the bass player with VOM

I stumbled upon an almost completely unadvertised gig last weekend at the tiny What Bar - with breezy pop-punk Norwegian girl band VOM.

I was rather badly smitten with the one who played bass; the one on the left in the hotdog-munching scene below. She checked altogether too many of the boxes in my 'high risk' template: tall, a redhead, dazzlingly blue eyes, great legs, plays a musical instrument, tall.... 
They're playing in Shanghai tonight. I am tempted to nip down there!

The band, alas, have very low Web visibility (perhaps as a result of their songs - and thus, I assume, their publicity material - being entirely in Norwegian?), and I haven't yet been able to discover her name. Except that the YouTube page for the video below seems to suggest that they use jokey 'punk names', and that hers is Esel Rex ('Donkey' Rex, if Google Translate is to be believed!). Not the sexiest monicker in the world! But when you're that gorgeous, it hardly matters. And her 'anonymity' is probably part of the allure. Check out the video below: it is a lot of fun.

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