Thursday, August 05, 2010

Time for another Daily Llama

A summery one for you....


moonrat said...

haha i sure wouldn't enjoy having his coat on a day like today...

Froog said...

I think the insulation works both ways, Moonie. The light colour reflects a lot of heat away, and the thick hair keeps cool air trapped next to the skin.

No, I'm making that up. There's a reason they live at altitude. If you find one in downtown Manhattan, bring it indoors, and turn the air-conditioniong up.

JES said...

A couple of days ago, as we were driving home from work, the temperature was still above 90 (F) and the humidity, I'd bet, was pretty close to that. We passed a fellow jogging, dressed in a crop-top athletic shirt, lightweight shorts, and ankle-less socks.

By itself, not very notable.

What made it so was that he had his dog on a leash, out for a trot with him. The dog in question was some large breed normally associated with Arctic climes -- a husky, Malamute, something like that -- with a thick white coat resembling this llama's.

The Missus isn't normally a violent woman but that jogger was lucky she had no weapons handy at the moment.

JES said...

P.S. No sunglasses for the dog, however.

Froog said...

No, you probably shouldn't be keeping long-haired pets in such climes in the first place. Certainly shouldn't be exercising them outside.

I hope there were at least plenty of drinking stations around. One of the reasons I like running the Mount Vernon Trail alongside the Potomoc on the opposite bank to Washington, DC, is that there's a drinking fountain every mile or so.