Friday, June 25, 2010

Recently, on the Barstool....

Well, of course, it's been all football for the past couple of weeks - most of my blogging has been devoted to comment, analysis, and prognostication on the current World Cup in this monster thread (which has already surpassed the number of comments we racked up for my Euro '08 discussion thread - although this time nearly all of them have been mine!).

However, I have also found time for one or two other things. Just before the football festival kicked off I did this post on the most overrated bands on the Beijing rock scene. Then, last weekend I posted England's one surprisingly, uncannily good football song, Three Lions (the latest version, reissued yet again for this tournament) - with an additional link for a tenuously football-related song, Thomas Dolby's Close But No Cigar, which I had wanted to include in the post (but embedding is forbidden!). And just a few days ago, I posted this rueful observation on just why my love life has been so tantalising over the past year or so.

Please go and take a look. There won't be much new stuff on here until the football's all over.

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