Friday, May 07, 2010

There's Alot about

I haven't had a 'Website of the Month' recommendation for ages, so......

Well, the other day I happened upon the wonderful Hyperbole And A Half, a blog by a cartoonist named Allie (I can't now recall how I was led to her. I think she must have commented on JES's or Moonrat's blogs....)

Her pet grammar peeve - people who write 'a lot' as one word - recently prompted her to create this imaginary creature, the cuddly (but threateningly large) Alot. She produced a series of pictures of the animal, of which this rather poignant one below is my favourite. Go and check the rest out.

I also recommend her '7 Games You Can Play With A Brick', 'The Awkward Situations Survival Guide', and '12 Emoticons for the Advanced Writer'. ('Someone beat me to the monobrow!' he muttered to himself cryptically....)


JES said...

I don't read Hyperbole and a Half regularly but it is a hoot. (And I think the blog title is very clever, in a near-Dadaist way.)

Another blog with what to me is a masterly control of comic voice is called The Bloggess. That one, I do read regularly. It's more, um, profanity- and obscenity-prone than H+1/2 [I just made that up, although it doesn't really function well as an abbreviation if I have to include an explanatory aside even once]; and Jenny, The Bloggess herself, is also a (comic) sex-advice columnist for a couple of "real" publications... all of which means that reading it when I'm at work can be a bit nervous-making. Still, although she occasionally (rarely) writes really well about serious topics, she wields her persona with honest-to-God comfort and authority. I keep thinking I should write an appreciation over at my own place.

(I probably won't, though. She's got a ton of readers and active commenters -- hundreds of comments on her posts!; it might feel too much like fawning or sycophancy. Even adding The Bloggess to the links down the right-hand side would feel like I was currying favor or soliciting Web traffic.)

Froog said...

Ah, yes, I have taken a look at The Bloggess once or twice, but managed not to get hooked. I don't recall how I happened upon her. I don't think it was via you. On the Internet there seem to be certain sites where all roads lead...