Monday, February 01, 2010

Bon mot for the week

"How can a man's disappointments be bigger than his dreams?"



Froog said...

You'd think there's be a parity, wouldn't you?

But no. I've tried dreaming smaller, to reduce my disappointments. It doesn't seem to work - the disappointments stay much the same.... or get bigger.

Life's a bitch.

JES said...

Excellent bon-mot selection.

I think the imbalance might lie in the fact that the two sides of the would-be equation aren't of the same... same... I don't know, same category of experience, or something. Disappointments should be weighed against something like successes, triumphs, satisfactions -- which would make me, at least, feel that things balanced out a little better.

(I guess, to turn it around, dreams could be compared to something like fears. On the other hand, for someone like me -- who tends to live fearfully rather than dreamily -- this might not be such a hot idea after all.)