Sunday, January 03, 2010


It started snowing in Beijing some time on the night of January 1st/2nd (I remember noticing it dimly on my way home, but I was pretty drunk at the time). It continued intermittently through much of the day yesterday (though I wasn't paying too much attention because I was mostly asleep). From the depth of snow on the ground this morning - a good 6 inches or so - I deduce that the intensity must have ramped up a little overnight. And it has started fairly snowing like the clappers in the last hour or so.

I am torn between a childish delight at the prettiness of it, and a curmudgeonly irritation at how damn difficult it is going to be get around today - shortage of taxis, uncleared sidewalks, sodden shoes, grump, grump, grump.

I think the curmudgeonliness is winning out these days. Probably a sign of middle age finally taking hold....


Froog said...

The childish delight was briefly winning out: I had a snowball fight with some of the kids from the block when I went out this morning.

However, after several hours out and about in the wet and cold, slipping and slithering on the terrifyingly treacherous sidewalks and taking three times as long as usual to get anywhere, I was thoroughly pissed off with it all.

At least it's stopped snowing at last, but it looks as though the weather is going to be much too cold for it melt over the next few days at least.


JES said...

It's been a looooong time since I've had to deal with snow but yes, staying indoors and exclaiming about its beauty is a very good response.