Monday, December 14, 2009

A sticky situation

What substance is the most difficult to clean up after a spill?
The spillage of what substance on the kitchen floor would be most likely to exacerbate my intermittent ant infestation?
The breakage of what in my kitchen would be most mystifying?
The breakage of a large jar of honey
What would be the most inconvenient and annoying moment to discover such a breakage and spillage?
Just as I am about to head out of the door for a work engagement
Yep, it is quite a challenge to the ingenuity to find a way of clearing up a large puddle of thick, sticky goo, studded with tiny shards of broken glass (using only Chinese cleaning products, which are not of the best).
As far as I can work out, a plastic bag of sugar - the top of which I'd folded over and taped down when moving apartments the other week - unstuck its fastening and slowly began to uncoil itself.  The springiness in the plastic was evidently sufficient to topple over the adjacent jar of honey (it probably wouldn't have been sufficient to push open the cupboard door, but since I am still in the process of organising my new kitchen, I'd left the doors open) and propel it into space.  An interesting trajectory - it fell in the middle of the floor, having moved at least a foot away from the edge of the cupboard in the course of dropping about 6ft.  I'm no physicist, but I can't see an end-over-end tumble achieving that.  Maybe it fell on its side within the cupboard, and rolled a few inches first to build up speed?
Either that, or I've got a poltergeist.
At least I figure the week can only get better from here on....


The Nag said...

Poltergeist seems more likely... .

JES said...

Hmm. Didn't you have a mysterious bit of sticky stuff in a cabinet back in the old place, too? I'm sensing a sort of pattern.

Froog said...

You two are scaring me now.