Friday, November 06, 2009

Haiku for the week

Bare details linger -
Phone numbers and address books -
Unhappy reminders.
I received some sad news this week about the sudden death of a young friend.  Her number, of course, is still recorded in my mobile phone.  It is very hard to delete it.


JES said...

So sorry to hear that, Froog.

Recently, in clearing up some clutter of long standing, I came across an address book which I evidently acquired sometime around age 14. Thumbing through the pages and seeing all those names -- nearly all elementary-school chums -- which had once meant something to me was emotionally complicated.

stuart said...

Sorry, Froog.

I remember hearing about a 23-year-old former student of mine who apparently jumped to her death from a dorm balcony. Very, very sad - and almost certainly not the full story.

Froog said...

Sorry to hear that, Stuart. A violent death is particularly disturbing. There were a few suicides on campus when I was working at Bei Shi Da, but no-one I knew personally.

My friend was struck down by ovarian cancer - shockingly sudden: she was dead within two or three weeks of being diagnosed. This stirs up a mixture of difficult emotions: a raging sense of injustice (she was such a thoroughly nice person; there are so many folks around who are not conspicuously improving the world by being in it, but she was) and a sense of dread (this is now the fifth person I know to die of cancer within the past couple of years; one can't help wondering just how toxic the environment here is).

Livia said...

I had the same situation a couple of days ago - a friend of mine died of liver cancer last week. Her funeral was on Tuesday and in the evening I sat quietly and looked at a few photos and wrote an "RIP" on my blog and then deleted her number from my phone. Doing that as part of an "event" in her memory made it easier - I was reassuring myself that I wasn't forgetting her by deleting the number.