Monday, September 07, 2009

The principles of Chinese cooking explained

I have - infamously - commented before on the the shortcomings of Chinese cuisine, and the other week my prejudices on this topic received further reinforcement.
I was watching a cookery programme on TV where the chef began the preparation of a pork dish by cubing the meat and then boiling it.  The Australian presenter, struggling gamely to conceal her bafflement, queried the reason for the choice of this technique.
"To get rid of the meaty taste," said our chef, matter-of-factly.
It is a strange philosophy of cooking, to be sure.


gary said...

A moment of epiphany! I always wondered why Chinese pork never tasted of pork.

Froog said...

Yeah. I suddenly thought, "Oh my god! They do that to all the pork dishes?! Of course!!"