Monday, April 13, 2009

A bon mot for the week

"Everybody wants to build but nobody wants to do maintenance."

Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007)

Mr Vonnegut was, I'm sure, thinking of the human condition in general, and perhaps more particularly of American foibles. But it seems to me that this one could be seen as especially appropriate to the Chinese today. There can be few other countries in the world where such a profusion of gleaming newness is but a mask for a morass of instant decay.

1 comment:

fg said...

Glad to read you got out of Beijing - a breath of fresher air has got to be a good thing. I got out of the city myself the other day and the blossom was wonderful especially contrasted with the still wintery landscape.

Re the mass of decay - I agree, it is extraordinary. Everything is, I suppose slowly returning to sand.

Long time, no see but its good to know your busily writing. Enjoying Sunday's poem.