Thursday, February 05, 2009

Questions children ask

Today's gem from the recording studio...... (Sometimes it really is a struggle to imagine how these scripts are generated, just what scenarios the writers can possibly have in mind.)

"Dad, can I ride my bike on the pavement in Australia?"

Possible answers (?):

"How should I know? I've never been there."

"Yes you can, son. It is a decadent Western country, with no sensible laws to protect the health and safety of its citizens."

"Of course not. Do you want to shame China in the eyes of foreigners with such uncivilised behaviour?"

"We're only going on holiday. You can't take your bike."

"Certainly you can, my boy. It is basic individual freedoms like that which we are emigrating there for. It has nothing at all to do with the 100 million RMB I've embezzled from the bank over the past 10 years...."

Maybe this is why they don't ask me to write the dialogues for them.....

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