Friday, December 05, 2008

Be careful what you write about....

Rebecca Mackinnon is a giant figure in the China blogging scene. A former media professional (she headed up CNN's office in Beijing for a while) and one of the founders of Global Voices Online (fantastic website, if you don't know it: it collates and translates newsworthy blog-posts from all around the world; the China page is an essential weekly read for me), she now holds an academic post at the University of Hong Kong where she conducts research on the Chinese Internet.

She and her students recently carried out a fascinating experiment on online censorship within China. Guess what? Her blog post on that - and, indeed, her entire blog - are now BLOCKED in China. So comprehensively blocked, in fact, that I can't even reach it using my regular proxies! Nanny is miffed, evidently. Well, maybe she's been blocked for a while, I don't know. I don't follow her regularly. But I've never previously had any difficulty accessing her blog through my usual proxy. (I worry that I might get myself blocked simply for mentioning this....)

However, you can - for now - still view this slideshow summary of the study. Interesting stuff.

Come on, Nanny - do your worst! I'll fight you with one hand tied behind my back!

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