For any of you that don't know (unlikely, I think, since I have poached most of my readers - nearly all the newer ones, anyway - from her blog), "Moonrat" is the cyber-alias of a rather lovely young lady who works as an editor for a small publishing house in New York. We became blog-friends when she blundered in here by happy chance one day about 18 months ago and left me a comment (and she still hasn't 'fessed up to exactly why it was that she was Googling "loo with a view" that day!).
I have no idea at all what she looks like, although naturally I imagine her as being rather pretty. However, looks are really (really!) not the sole or even the primary basis of attraction for me. I am far more interested in things like humour, intelligence, vivacity, passion, generosity and idealism - all of which she has in spades. And she is staggeringly well-read, to boot. But for her slightly questionable taste in music, she'd be absolutely perfect.
Also, I feel terribly privileged - and perhaps just very slightly encouraged? - by the fact that she has entrusted me with the sacred knowledge of her real name (a secret I will take with me to the grave!).... and also that she did once give me an open invitation to a 'date' of sorts (playing "foosball" with her in some grungy bar she likes on Christopher St).
Alas, I fear this is fated never to be anything more than an idle blog-crush. She's really a bit too young for me. And I have no idea when I might next be able to contrive a visit to New York. Also, "The Rally Monkey" might object. This shadowy companion/helpmate/gadfly figure is always depicted on her blog as a rather cute stuffed toy, but a few references recently have hinted that he might in fact be her real-life Significant Other. Ah well, most of my previous fantasy girlfriends have been dead, married, or fictional, so my disappointment won't be too hard to bear. Unattainability, I fear, has always been one of my key turn-ons.
You mean you didn't know????
I really hate it too when my crushes turn out to be dead, old enough to be my grandfather, or fictional. *sigh* Instead, I just have my programmer (who I think is having an affair with his new monitor).
I'm so happy you and Moonie found each other!
great choice, froog! as moonie is HOT...the hottest rat i've seen! =D
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