Thursday, August 14, 2008

I hate my bathroom scales

It appears that in the space of just a few days - over last weekend, I suppose - I put on about 3kg, or perhaps just a smidge more. Ouch! That's half a stone, in the antiquated system of weights and measures I grew up with (the full Imperial system, rather than the edited down, simplified, and occasionally perversely modified system that our American brethren use). That's a lot.

I can only attribute it to my increased consumption of the highly fattening Stella Artois recently: last Friday, rather than content myself with a few half-price ones at the outset of the evening, I drank them for 5 or 6 hours solidly while watching the Olympic Opening Ceremony in a favourite local bar. I can understand how that might do quite a bit of damage to the waistline. But half a stone?? Come off it!

Since Tuesday, I have been laid up with a vicious dose of gastro-enteritis. After 48 hours of eating nothing more than half a packet of Ritz crackers (while passing copious liquid stools and dehydrating like a bastard), I find that I have lost barely 1kg.

There is no God!!!!

Then again, maybe my scales are just completely unreliable.......

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