Friday, August 08, 2008

Another smoggy day in Beijing town

The weather-control machine boys are still reading the operator's manual, but.... it would seem that last week's three-day window of perfect weather was after all nothing but a FLUKE!

All week, the weather has been humid, hazy, and overcast (with just one or two bright spells in the later afternoon, when the sun has finally managed to burn through); and the Air Pollution Index has been climbing day by day. It was up close to 100 again yesterday, at least according to the official Chinese figures (hint: add a large grain of salt - or simply multiply by 2). This morning, it looks far worse again; but there doesn't seem to be any figure published yet. (I have been referring regularly to the Wall Street Journal's Beijing Olympics web page, which updates the Air Quality report each day.)

Not promising for the competitions ahead.

But gawd, we must be due for some clearing rain soon. There's been not a drop for over a week now - and we hardly ever go without for more than a few days at a time at this time of year, cloud-seeding or no cloud-seeding.

Once again, the BOCOG boys and the city government are in a bit of a bind. They won't want to risk having it rain on the Opening Ceremony; but if it doesn't rain before this evening, the visibility is probably going to be terrible, and that will detract from the effectiveness of the fireworks and light shows. Two hours of rain in the late afternoon would be grand - but can they manage that? We shall see.

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