Monday, May 05, 2008

Yet another punning "Daily Llama"

I may be exhausting my resourcefulness on this. There aren't too many more pictures I can use before I have to resort to - whoops! - one of a Lama.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I give up...the top one is OBVIOUSLY a Daffodil but who's the Hoopy Frood with the Giglamps?

Swordsman said...

He's Ianto from Torchwood...

Anonymous said...

'Daffodil Ianto' seems to be pushing it a little, Froog ;-) You been hitting the old Tsing Tao again? :-)

Froog said...

I'll have to take your word for that, Swordsman. The programme of which you speak is unknown to me. I would venture that the chap is probably still better known in his own right - as a TV presenter and "comedian" - than as a sci-fi character.

And - not to spoil the fun of your jeering perversity, Mothman - but for anyone else out there who's curious about the logic of the picture choices, and hasn't quite got the hang of Blogspot yet..... if you place the mouse-pointer over the picture, you see a pop-up balloon telling you what the photograph's filename. Easy-peasy.

Anonymous said...

Not with Mozilla you don't :-)