Thursday, May 15, 2008

A (belated) Website of the Month

I have been meaning for a while to give a little boost to China Casserole, the blog Leah started with a small group of American study-abroad students who've been taking classes with her this year. It only got going a little way into this semester, perhaps two months ago, and I guess I was waiting to see if they would keep contributing regularly and make it into something substantial..... and then I just got so busy, I kind of forgot about it for a while. Sorry, Leah.

I guess this might well be only a 'Website for a Month' now, since they'll probably discontinue it when they return to the States in June. So, take a look at it while you can. There's quite a lot on there now, and it's a diverse and often interesting mix. It seems to have been a very successful class project - well done, everyone.

I'm tempted to try something similar myself one day........ if I ever find myself back in a University classroom, that is......

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