Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I remember why I am glad to be out of the UK

I discover (yet again via the reliably time-wasting Webside Gleanings) that there was an earthquake in England last week. KT, the "gleaner", points to this moderately amusing post outlining a distinctively British series of guidelines for gauging the Richter-scale intensity of an earthquake. In the style of the humour and the targets it aims at, it reminds me - refreshingly - of why I do not want to live in that country ever again (not England, anyway; Edinburgh might be tolerable).

The rest of the blog is rather too relentlessly ranty, although I am charmed by the bluntness of the blog's name - I Hate The Earth. And by its slogan - "The unceasing, relentless whinging of an idiot" (might this not apply to 80% or 90% of all bloggers?). And by its banner (below).

Yes, indeed. I certainly know that feeling.


Anonymous said...

That 'British Richter Scale' post on the 'I Hate The Earth' blog made me laugh rather a lot... well done Froog and KT for helping to propagate the ramblings of that particular northern git (okay - funny northern git :-)).

I share your detestation of England, Froog - only difference being that I have to live here for just a tad longer while the Inland Revenue complete the process of hacking off an arm and both legs (ironic that I want to leave the place - and then I won't cost the fuckers any money at all...but can't because the revenue are busy doing their Dracula impersonation on my hard-earned emigration fund). Scotland is better governed and more fun but the weather would kill me. Anyway, the usurious taxes are the same as down here...

I was woken up by the earthquake. This is the fifth I've ever experienced - three in the UK and two in Jamaica. I recall being woken up by my first ever one out in Jamaica and thinking "Oh my God - someone's breaking in: I am going to be brutally sodomised and murdered by drug-crazed yardies". As the rocking continued and bits of plaster began to rain down on my head I can recall thinking "Oh, it's only an earthquake...phew!" and going back to sleep.

Do you get tremblements de terre in the Middle Kingdom ,Froogy, or is the closest you get to The Ring Of Fire due to overindulgence in Szechuan Peppers?

Froog said...

China has seen some of history's biggest earthquakes.

I think the Tangshan one in '76 (the Earth shrugs in mourning at Mao's passing) may have been the biggest, in terms of loss of life - although, of course, the real death toll was concealed; but it was admitted to have been in the hundreds of thousands, so....

There was a small one just outside Beijing last summer, when I was out of the country. Apparently, it could be felt here in tall office buildings.

A stronger one would doubtless expose the questionable construction standards of a lot of these new buildings that have sprung up in the last 10 years. Just what we need on the eve of the Olympics....

Anonymous said...

I knew that :-)

(What was the middle bit...?)