Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I posted some New Year's Resolutions last week. I decided to put them over on the Barstool, because a lot of them were related to drink, or at any rate to 'going out'.

However, I think I'll now link to them in the sidebar here on Froogville too - as a reminder to myself, if not to anyone else, that this is supposed to be the year in which I finally start getting my life in order.

I'm doing pretty well so far. No drinking at home (apart from for medicinal purposes; mostly hot toddies made with the cheapest available alcohol, baijiu), no instant noodles (well, only once), some cooking at home (very modest, but some), and the beginnings of an exercise regime (though curtailed thus far by illness and injury). I'm even managing to keep within the niggardly spending targets I set for myself last week - although this hasn't been so much of a test as yet because I've been too ill to leave the apartment more than once or twice in the last 10 days.

Nevertheless, this is a much better start than I - or most of us, I suspect - usually manage with Resolutions. We're into the second week of the year and I haven't caved in yet!! This could be a promising sign. Wish me luck!!


homeinkabul said...

Good for you!! and Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

hope you feel better soon.

argonox said...

Yikes, what are you so sick with?

Would you be interested in a little cat therapy? If you're feeling up to it, I'll be dropping HotPot back at Helen's on Wednesday. Let me know--