Monday, December 03, 2007

Please - don't forget The Barstool

I have been quite prolific over on brother-blog, Barstool Blues, just lately. I think it's 14 posts in the last 8 days (not including the Ogden Nash quotation or the list of recommended 'highlights' from the third quarter of the year that I posted this morning).

Some of it, I asssure you, is pretty good stuff.

And yet, and yet..... barely half of those posts have yet attracted any comments at all - only around 18 comments in total during last week, and none at all over the last weekend.

Last week here on Froogville, there were some 30 comments. Just over this weekend, there were another 21 (well, OK, nearly half of them were from me, but still....). There was even one from a complete stranger!!

Now, it doesn't surprise me that the dear old Barstool has lower visibility to passing Blogspotters and random Googlers. But it does disappoint me that my "regular readers" seem to be spending so little time over there of late - or, at any rate, not leaving any evidence of their passing.

Please, folks, do go and take a look. Videos, music reviews, the reawakening of my interest in the game of poker, fitful 'progress' in my love life, the alarming ballooning of my liver, and bon mots aplenty..... it's all there.

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