Friday, November 16, 2007

The joy of skiving - diminished

I had, I confess, been plotting for the past couple of days to use my present conspicuous ill health as an excuse to take Friday off work.

As it turns out, with the dramatic deterioration in my condition yesterday afternoon, my bunking off has become a genuine necessity rather than a self-indulgent choice. And I am far too ill to enjoy the delights of a day off.

Except that not being in the office is a kind of joy in itself, even if I am otherwise feeling pretty wretched.

I do get ill pretty often, but - perhaps because of that very frequency - I am extremely stubborn about giving in to it. I usually just carry on with my normal life regardless. As far as I can recall, this is only my 4th day off sick during 5 years in China. So, things are pretty bad.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the regular updates.

we're concerned. please take care.

and yes, you were missed at JH last night - i'll elaborate over in the Basement.

Froog said...

When someone texted me on Friday night to ask if I was better, I replied: "No - just goin' out in style."

I did in fact go out to spanking-good rock show while lubricating my inflamed airways with Tsingtao.

Doesn't seem to have done me any harm, luckily.

Anonymous said...

How "high" on CoCo were you Friday night? or maybe you decided to just go all discreet on your blogs?

cuz that was me on the text - and do you remember what I sms'd back to you?

Froog said...

No, sorry. I sent that message, or a variant of it, to three or four different people who enquired; but didn't really clock any of the replies.

Please remind me.