Monday, October 29, 2007

If it's Monday, it must be time for a bon mot

"Always be smarter than the people you work for."

Lena Horne

Of course, in show business, where there have been so many infamous examples of naive or unwary entertainers being robbed blind by unscrupulous agents, impresarios, record companies, etc., this may be a particularly essential tip.

For me, though, I don't think it's ever been an issue. No, what I have to remember is:
"Try not to be seen to be smarter than the people you work for."

As far as I can gather from a quick Net search, the lovely jazz singer Lena Horne is still with us; just turned 90 this year - way to go, Lena!


Anonymous said...

Some mots bon hold water; others don't.

I'm not sure this one works for me; Froog: has it worked for you? How about the other Pelicans out there?

Froog said...

Which one, John? They are two here.

And I do point out that the first one is of more relevance to the freelancer, when negotiating a contract.

Froog said...

And 'Pelicans'?! Is that really what we're supposed to be called??

Anyway, I'm not sure that there are any others who read this blog. Not regularly, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pelican Johna,

hmm, yah, I read this one last night (I mean, I read both bon mots last night) and didn't comment cuz I tend to agree with Froog.

Why do you think it (they) don't hold water?

Landlocked Pelican

Anonymous said...

Sorry - it was the first. I guess, too, it depends on

I've always found that the not-so-smart eventually realise and resent the rest thereafter (a) taking their revenge by being petty or (b) using compensatory skills (eg. "political") to "get their revenge" or "teach you a lesson".

A recognisable issue?

Anonymous said...

ahh, i see your point. but, assuming you have smarts and are politically savvy, you'll be just fine. so, if you appear not to be smarter, then it all works out - so bon mot #2 works?

Froog said...

Sounds like Mr A is actually bitching about not-so-smart peers rather than bosses.... and that's a whole different can of worms.

Basically, if you have an above-average IQ, you're screwed every way: you have little choice but to go into some solitary or freelancing type of career (consultancy, journalism.... teaching).

Anonymous said...

I'd say stick to No. 2 regardless of how intelligent (or not) one is.