Thursday, July 19, 2007

In transit

A quick mental calculation reveals that I have just spent around 140 of the last 176 hours working/travelling. So, please, no complaints about the shortage of posting over the last week.

My itinerary over this past week was always going to be pretty horrendous - even without the notoriously dismal schedule-keeping of China's domestic aviation industry. It ended up being a small slice of hell.

Doubtless, a full rant will come later. This is just a brief announcement that I'm back. A day late. I am supposed to be leaving again tomorrow (for the UK, or Hubei Province, depending on the coin toss) - but that is probably in jeopardy because all the planning/packing/ticket-buying/tidying-up loose ends at the office that I was supposed to be doing yesterday and today hasn't happened because of the 24-hour delay in my return flight from Hangzhou. Can you hear me seething? Can you?


Ali Bali Bee said...

Yep, I can, all the way over here in Glasgow :o)

Anonymous said...

Yes, seething. Better luck next time!

Anonymous said...

indeed, I can. better luck next round of flights!

Froog said...

Why, OMG, nice to hear from you again. You're becoming quite a regular.

Anonymous said...

ufff! I read an article in the NYTimes (I love the Times) that delays and snafus are out of control in the States, which makes me wonder what it's like for the rest of the world!

Your post makes me worry about all the things that could go wrong on our return trip in a few weeks!