Sunday, March 11, 2007

Unexpectedly Canadian

My mention of The Crash Test Dummies the other day (no hyphen for them, it seems) brought to mind this great image from Gary Larson. Pity I can't find a bigger version of it.

I have just learned that The Dummies were a Canadian band! Funny how many bands are, without you even realising it. Especially the quirkier, more humorous ones.

Apparently, they are now pretty much defunct, as leader Brad Roberts pursues other projects. They did tour and release albums intermittently throughout the '90s and well into the '00s; but their finest hour surely remains 1994's "God Shuffled His Feet...."

What a wonderful thing Wikipedia is! And what a wonderful thing
Proxyline is, which allows us to use sites like Wikipedia even in censorship-raddled countries like ****!


Anonymous said...

You are lucky, if I want to get Wikipedia and Proxyline to work, I've to jump through hoops. We have a firewall on top of a firewall here.

Froog said...

Keep fighting the good fight. We have another 11 or 12 weeks before they get really medieval on our ass!

Anonymous said...

Yer killin' me!!!! *sigh*