Wednesday, March 14, 2007

NASTY food! (Where in the world am I? [27])

They do eat some strange things in this country.

For example, 'jerky' - dried meat (or parts of an animal, anyway) - is unaccountably popular, along with various forms of desiccated marine life.

But fruit jerky? That's a new one on me.

In general, I like dried fruit. And I love mangos. So I thought I'd give this packet of 'dried mangoes' I found in my local supermarket the other week a try. Big mistake. It's not just dried, it has been treated with some other arcane processes - perhaps 'tanning'. It is pretty much the colour and consistency of leather, but harder. And, in addition to being gaggingly sweet, it is tainted with a number of inappropriate, unidentifiable 'spices'.

I only know this because, in a spirit of investigation, I held a piece in my mouth and sucked on it for as long as I could bear it. After about thirty seconds I could feel my tongue shrivelling, and thought it might not be safe to push the experiment any further.

It is utterly unchewable, unbiteable. I thought I'd hit on a way of using the stuff up: perhaps one or two lumps of it might add an interesting flavour note to the banana & mango smoothies I've been having for breakfast most of this week. Now, here's the really scary thing: the stuff is so bloody tough even my blender struggles to cut it up! No kidding - after a minute or so at maximum churn I thought it would have been reduced to tiny, inoffensive fragments, but no: it was still in 3 or 4 large, leathery, indigestible pieces.

What is this stuff?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, yes, the fruit preserves avail here are awful beyond description.

occasionally, i'll find one that's lovely, (usually given to me by a local friend who knows my taste). then I'll go to the market and buy one that looks similar, only to taste it once I'm at home and gag.

if mango is your thing - i recommend you check out "amvat" if you ever find yourself in Kolkata, India. finest mango preserve in the world.