Sunday, November 05, 2006

Visual clues

My impulsive posting of a photograph yesterday has created quite a little surge of excitement among certain of my correspondents. (Although I don't think anyone has seen fit to comment on the blog post itself yet. That's the trouble with having a blog that is read almost solely by friends and acquaintances, I suppose. The great viral marketing project hasn't really taken off yet. Ah, but it will, it will....)

Time for the warnings and disclaimers (for any readers who don't know me; or for those who do, but have forgotten what I look like). The guy in the picture is not necessarily me. It's not necessarily even someone I know, or a picture taken by me. It could just be some amusing oddity I dredged up off the Internet, for heaven's sake.

Even if it were me (well, all right, yes, it is), and even if it were taken recently (within the last year or so, I suppose), you still have no right to be assuming that this is where I live now.

But, as it happens, this snap was taken in my home city, and - though perhaps a little obscure - the quirky chef mannequin sheltering from the rain next to me is a pretty readily identifiable local landmark. So, we're playing 'Where in the world am I?' again, but this time with hard-to-identify photographic hints. I'm such a tease!!

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