Monday, October 22, 2007

Weekly bon mot, dedicated to OMG

"Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else."

J.M. Barrie (1860-1937)

I was prompted to choose this quote for the week by a blog-conversation over the weekend with OMG, who is fretting about whether she could/should post about her new J-O-B. I have encouraged her to post about meta-work instead, about what it makes her think and feel, rather than what it is and what she does. I wonder if she'll run with that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*gasp* A bon mot dedicated to me???!! I may be blushing.

The main problem with going with the "feelings" thing is that that would get old, as I would almost certainly always be writing about my disdain for certain co-workers and my surprise that the moronic behavior continues to escalate. The more entertaining things to blog about, in my opinion, and more in line with my blog "theme" if I dare say that I have one, would be to give examples of the moronic behavior, the things that make me shake my head and think, "How is it possible that this person made it as far as he has?"

Besides, one of my supervisors (not moronic) is also one of my best friends. Could get dicey if he wandered across my blog...